Rancho Carrillo Schools

Rancho Carrillo Schools

Schools for students who live in Rancho Carrillo

Please note that although Rancho Carrillo is in the Carlsbad 92009 zip code, it falls outside the boundary of the Carlsbad School District, and instead lies within the San Marcos School District. Here are the traditional schools for students that live in Rancho Carrillo:

  • Elementary: Carrillo Elementary
  • Middle: San Elijo Middle School
  • High: San Marcos High School

Here’s a summary of pertinent school info. Click any school name for more.

School NameAPI ScoreRank*Rating**School RatingsGreat Schools
Carrillo Elementary928108More DetailsMore Details
San Elijo Middle91998More DetailsMore Details
San Marcos High858107More DetailsMore Details

* API Scores and Rank are courtesy of School-Ratings.com.
** Ratings are courtesy of GreatSchools.org.

If you haven’t visited them already, here are some sites with some great information: